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The BEST Potting Mix For Your Philodendron, Monstera and Pothos 🪴
Easy DIY Potting Mix | 4 ingredients + beginner friendly chunky soil mix
Best Soil for Indoor Plants
BEST Monstera & Growing Them BIG! Monstera Care Light, Repotting, Soil, Water - Houseplant Care 101
3 Simple Soil Mixes to Speed up Root Growth for Monstera and Philodendron
My Aroid mix for Monsteras, Philodendron, Anthuriums etc #tutorial
Perfect Potting Mix for Aroid Houseplants | Monstera Philodendron Anthurium Hoya Potting Soil
How to set up your Monstera for success
POTTING MIX - all you need to know to make an amazing substrate for your plants #diy
Best Soil Mix for Monstera Plants
why people keep Killing their Monstera
Let’s talk about soil mixes #plantcare #repotting #plantgrowth #plants